Eczema Treatment For Children

Caring For Your Their Skin
It’s important to help your child manage their eczema symptoms. To do this, it is essential that they avoid scratching, rubbing or picking the affected skin. Scratching can cause worsening of the condition, leading to unsightly pigmentation, broken skin and scarring.
There are several techniques that can be extremely helpful in managing eczema symptoms and reducing itching. For example,

Mild Nourishing Soaps or Cleansers

Frequent Moisturiser

Choose Clothing Materials Like Cotton

Prevent them from scratching, rubbing or picking their skin

Manage Your Child’s Eczema with Us
When it comes to treating eczema in children, safety is of the utmost importance. The doctor will discuss the various options with you and help decide on the best course of treatment for your child.
Topical Steroids
Steroid-free Topical Medications
Oral Medications
Overall, it’s important to work with your doctor to ensure that your child’s eczema is being treated safely and effectively. It can take time to find the right combination of treatments, but with the help of a qualified dermatologist, you can find relief for your little one.

Eczema in Children – We’re Here For You
When it comes to children and eczema, there is a psychological component that often gets overlooked.
While the physical symptoms of eczema can be controlled with topical treatments and lifestyle changes, many children also suffer from feelings of guilt, embarrassment and shame.
Encouraging your child to take an active role in their care is important.
Ensure everyone's awareness.
Keep in touch with your Specialist!


Dedicated Specialists for Eczema
Dr Tan & Dr Ker are experienced dermatologists that have been treating patients suffering from atopic dermatitis (Eczema) for years

Personalised Treatment
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment to Eczema. Understanding the condition through a detailed assessment and customising a treatment for every patient is key to keeping Eczema in control.

Adults & Paediatric
The treatment for eczema in adults and children can differ, so it is important to find the most effective approach for each individual. Our specialists are experienced in treating eczema in both adults and children.